Sunday, January 08, 2006

Is it fucking possible to rid our country of the beggars/bums/homeless/losers on our city streets? Please!

I mean we throw away things (trash) because they are no longer useful.

Why do we keep the homeless around? Are they useful? Can't we just dispose of them?

I know it sounds harsh but goddammit, I work my ass off for my money. Why should it go to help those who do not care to provide for themselves?

I am not talking just the bums on the streets.

Now, I'm also talking about the low life losers that bring our economy down and cost of living up. You know who you are...teenage pregnancies, women who continue to get pregnant without any recourse of what it does to the children they are birthing, women who have multiple children but not a one of them lives with her, drug users...and more.

Everyone that my hard earned income is taxed on for whatever fucking programs the government thinks is necessary to "save" these people.

I say "fix" the women who are having unplanned, unsupported, irresponsible pregnancies. Be like China and limit their births to two children. If not married, no kids allowed and if they have one they are raked over the coals.

Drug users - get rid of them. Drug dealers - get rid of them.

Of course, our government officials will do no such thing because it's not "politically correct" and there's no money to make in proposed programs if there is no one to "save".

So the working community continues to bust their asses to support those that do not want to work...BUMS! BEGGARS!

A wretched hive of scum and villainy!


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